- Description
PINAY, founded in 1991, is a Filipino Women's Organization that works to empower and organize Filipino women in Quebec, particularly Filipino domestic workers. Most of its members are migrant workers under the Live-In Caregiver Program (LCP). For two decades Pinay has brought together domestic workers and their supporters together in the struggle for basic rights and welfare.
- Statut
- Adresse
4755, Av. Van Horne, bureau 110
- Ville
- Province
- Pays
- Code postal
H3W 1H8
- Téléphone
- Courriel
- Liens
- Campagnes coordonnées
- Campagnes endossées
- Secteurs économiques
Occupations in services - Domestic work
- Groupes cibles
Travailleurs (im)migrants, Législateurs, Journalistes, Sensibilisation du public, Employeurs et agences de recrutement, Chercheurs, Syndicats et ONG/groupes communautaires/réseaux de solidarité
- Pertinence géographique
Quebec et Philippines
- Langues
Français, Anglais et Tagalog