Event Details

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Temporary Residents in a Society Built upon Permanent Immigration

Date and time

2012.03.03, 2:00 PM to 2:00 PM


In recent years, temporary migration to Canada has grown in size and scope and encompasses many different types of migrants. This panel will focus on two specific categories of temporary residents – temporary foreign workers and international students. Speakers will respond to the growing interest in temporary residency and analyze its role within Canada`s suite of immigration policies and programs and the Canadian labour market. Among the many points of discussion are the respective roles of government, the private sector, and the education sector in selecting temporary residents, some of whom will change their status to that of permanent residency. Speakers will look at the role of the private sector in temporary labour migration, along with how the responsible use of temporary labour migration can be managed to benefit both businesses and the migrants themselves. Finally, speakers will address how existing or alternative pathways to permanent resident status could enhance the successful settlement of temporary residents.
Migrations temporaires dans une société bâtie sur l’immigration permanente
Tendance lourde dans l’espace canadien comme dans la plupart des économies développées, les migrations temporaires ont constamment augmenté au cours des dernières années. En se concentrant sur les deux groupes d’immigrants temporaires les plus nombreux, soit les étudiants et les travailleurs temporaires, cette séance vise à explorer les raisons qui expliquent l’ intérêt marqué pour la migration temporaire, et les effets que cette migration entraîne dans l’élaboration des politiques publiques, sur le marché du travail et sur l’économie plus généralement. Entre autre, il s’agira de discuter du rôle croissant des entreprises et des employeurs canadiens dans le processus de sélection des travailleurs étrangers, et des bénéfices qui peuvent découler d’une gestion saine de la main d’œuvre étrangère. Finalement, les présentateurs se pencheront également sur les chemins qui mènent à l’établissement permanent, en faisant la revue des instruments de politiques destinés aux travailleurs migrants.

Chair | Président : Chedly Belkhodja, Université de Moncton Speakers | Conférenciers
Philip Martin, University of California, Davis Naomi Alboim, Queen’s University Cindy Hames, Ensign Energy Services Inc.


14th Metropolis Conference

Venue description

Westin Harbour Castle
1 Harbour Square


(Westin Harbour Castle) 1 Harbour Square






Economic sectors

Agriculture and horticulture workers, Occupations in services - Domestic work, Sales and service occupations - general, Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations - general, Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations - general, Labourers in food, beverage and associated products processing, Dancers, and Other

Content types

Policy analysis

Target groups

Policymakers, Employers, agencies and their representatives, Researchers, Unions, and NGOs/community groups/solidarity networks

Regulation domains

Right to change employer, Access to permanent status, Determination fair wages and labour shortage, and (Im)migrant workers selection criteria

Geographical focuses

Canada, Ontario, Alberta, México, Manitoba, Quebec, British Columbia, Other provinces, Federal, and Nova Scotia


French and English