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“Tough, Fair, and Practical” A Human Rights Framework for Immigration Reform in the United States




Human Rights Watch


Americans from all political perspectives agree that US immigration laws need to be fixed. While some emphasize the need to be tough in enforcing immigration law, others emphasize the importance of fairness. Human rights law offers a practical framework embracing both of these policy goals that is in the interests of citizens and non-citizens alike.

Human rights law recognizes every government’s sovereign right to enforce its laws and protect its borders. However, the pressure to achieve immigration reform cannot come at the cost of violating fundamental human rights. Immigration law, like other aspects of US law, must adhere to the international legal obligations of the United States. This is crucial for protecting the rights of all persons in the United States.

In this report, Human Rights Watch addresses the human rights standards that should underpin any immigration reform legislation and makes recommendations to improve US immigration law.



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