The Caregivers’ Action Centre (CAC) is a grassroots organization of live-in caregivers, former caregivers, newcomers and their supporters. Since 2007, we have been advocating and lobbying for fair employment, immigration status and access to settlement services for live-in caregivers through self-organizing, research and education.
The CAC is an active community of live-in caregivers supporting each other. We reach out to other caregivers to inform them about their rights at work, and support them when their rights have been violated. We organize focus group discussions, roundtables and information sessions to raise public awareness on the issues facing live-in caregivers and the need for change.
We believe that it is through an educated and empowered community of caregivers and our supporters that we can collectively assert our rights and effect true reforms of the oppressive system created by the Live-in Caregiver Program:
landed status for caregivers upon arrival live-in requirement should be optional remove restrictions to educational upgrading mandatory orientation for caregivers and their employers about workplace rights under the Employment Standards Act and the regulations of the Live-in Caregiver Program equal employment and economic opportunity
720 Spadina Avenue Suite 223
M5S 2T9
Occupations in services - Domestic work, Home child care providers, and Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations