- Date
- Auteurs
Pamela Sharpe
- Résumé
Approximately half of all migrants today are female. The contributors to this volume consider the ways in which attention to gender is moving debates away from old paradigms, such as the push/pull motivation which used to dominate the field of migration studies. The authors consider women's experience of migration, especially in long distance, transnational moves. They examine the extent to which labour migration is a social and strategic decision for women.
- Number of pages
- Lieu de publication
New York
- Éditeur
- Fichiers joints
- Liens
- Secteurs économiques
Occupations in services - Domestic work et General relevance - all sectors
- Groupes cibles
- Pertinence géographique
National relevance
- Sphères d’activité
Anthropologie, Études en genre et sexualité et Histoire
- Langues