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Site web

The Progressive Economics Forum




The Progressive Economics Forum


The Progressive Economics Forum

Texte complet

The Progressive Economics Forum aims to promote the development of a progressive economics community in Canada. The PEF brings together over 200 progressive economists, working in universities, the labour movement, and activist research organizations. On this site, you’ll learn more about our network, our research and education products, and ways to contribute to its growth and success through membership, meetings and conferences, and our annual student essay contest.

This is also the home of Relentlessly Progressive Economics, the PEF’s blog, a source of real-time commentary on Canadian economic policy issues from some of your favourite progressive economists. If you want to get directly to the blog, you can bookmark http://progressive-economics.ca/relentless

The RSS feed for the blog is: http://progressive-economics.ca/feed

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Secteurs économiques

General relevance - all sectors

Groupes cibles

Sensibilisation du public, Chercheurs et Syndicats

Pertinence géographique

National relevance

Sphères d’activité

Journalisme, étude des médias et communication

