- Date
- Auteurs
D. F. K. Wong, Chiang Ying Li et He Xue Song
- Résumé
The rural migrant worker population in China is attracting more and more attention because of its magnitude and potential economic and social impact on Chinese society. While literature abounds in describing the demographic trends and economic impacts of rural to urban migration, very few articles have been written about the psychosocial impacts of migration on the lives of rural migrant workers in urban China. Drawing on the concept of marginalisation, this article describes the nature and characteristics of marginalised living experienced by migrant workers. More importantly, it examines the underlying policy issues contributing to such marginalised living. It is argued that the Hukou system (household registration system), the process of decentralisation and the obscure role of trade unions have contributed to the experience of marginalisation of rural migrant workers in urban cities in China. Implications for policy changes are also discussed. [References: 35]
- Journal title
International Journal of Social Welfare
- Volume
- Page numbers
- Fichiers joints
- Liens
- Secteurs économiques
Occupations in services - Domestic work, Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations, Construction trades helpers and labourers, Harvesting labourers et Occupations in manufacturing and utilities - general
- Types de contenu
Statistics on work and life conditions
- Groupes cibles
- Pertinence géographique
- Sphères d’activité
Sciences de la santé, Psychologie, Socioligie et Travail social
- Langues