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Impression et sauvegarde


R v Serre




Charges relate to Ms. Serré’s work as an acting operations supervisor or acting manager with Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Issam Dakik and Diane Serré had formed a joint enterprise to make money by helping immigrants with their immigration files. Ms. Serré would access the client’s file on CIC’s database, the Field Operation Support System (“FOSS”), determine what steps needed to occur to move the file forward, and then use her role as acting operations supervisor or acting manager at the Ottawa CIC office to get a result that the client would not otherwise receive or to speed up the process to get the desired result earlier than normally would be the case. Charged with several counts of fraud relating to immigration (accepting bribe/ monetary compensation as a public officer in relation to her work duties)

The offences with which Ms. Serré has been charged relate to ten different immigration files that were handled by the Ottawa CIC office from the middle of 2003 to the end of 2004.

Outcome: I find Diane Serré guilty as charged in regard to all counts on the indictment other than count 22.

Nom de la cour

Ontario Superior Court

Parallel citation

2012 ONSC 3672

Fichiers joints


Pertinence géographique
