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Impression et sauvegarde

Rapport/communiqué de presse

Protections for Migrant Domestic Workers Employed by Foreign Diplomats in Ireland: Time for Reform




Migrant Rights Centre Ireland


1. Introduction
The situation of domestic workers working for foreign diplomats needs to be given special attention,
as they are an isolated and extremely vulnerable group due the diplomatic status of their employers.
Foreign diplomats have diplomatic immunity agreed as international law in the Vienna Convention
on Diplomatic Relations (1961). This means that legal remedies against diplomatic employer, in case
of work place exploitation, are excluded.
This gap in the field of prosecution requires additional efforts by states in the fields of prevention
and victim protection, in order make sure that these workers are protected from abuse and
exploitation and their human rights are respected in accordance with the commitments made by
Ireland under the international human rights treaties, such as CEDAW, CESCR and CCPR.

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