- Date
- Auteurs
John C. Waugh
- Résumé
From Lincoln's first public rejection of slavery to his secret arrival in the capital, from his stunning debates with Stephen Douglas to his contemplative moments considering the state of the country he loved, Waugh shows us America as Lincoln saw it and as Lincoln described it. Much of this wonderful story is told by Lincoln himself, detailing through his own writing his emergence onto the political scene and the evolution of his beliefs about the Union, the Constitution, democracy, slavery, and civil war. Waugh brings Lincoln’s path into new relief by letting the great man tell his own story, at a depth that brings us ever closer to understanding this mysterious, complicated, truly great man.
- Number of pages
- Lieu de publication
Orlando, FL
- Éditeur
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
- Mots-clés
Union, Constitution, Democracy, Slavery, Civil War
- Types de contenu
Past policies
- Groupes cibles
Législateurs et Sensibilisation du public
- Pertinence géographique
- Sphères d’activité
Anthropologie, Études culturelles et ethniques, Géographie, Histoire, Droit, Philosophie, Science politique et Demography
- Langues