Détails du document

Impression et sauvegarde


Negociating Citizenship: Migrant Women in Canada and the Global System




Abiagail B. Bakan et Daiva K. Stasiulis


While the designated rights of capital to travel freely across borders have increased under neo-liberal globalization, the citizenship rights of many people, particularly the most vulnerable, have tended to decline. Using Canada as an example of a major recipient state of international migrants, Negotiating Citizenship considers how migrant women workers from two settings in the global South–the West Indies and the Philippines–have attempted to negotiate citizenship across the global citizenship divide.

Daiva K. Stasiulis and Abigail B. Bakan challenge traditional liberal and post-national theories of citizenship with a number of approaches: historical documentary analyses, investigation of the political economy of the sending states, interviews with migrant live-in caregivers and nurses, legal analyses of domestic worker case law, and analysis of social movement politics. Negotiating Citizenship demonstrates that the transnational character of migrants' lives–their migration and labour strategies, family households, and political practices–offer important challenges to inequitable and exclusionary aspects of contemporary nation-state citizenship.

(source: http://www.amazon.ca/Negotiating-Citizenship-Migrant-Canada-Global/dp/0802079156 )

Lieu de publication



Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan


Secteurs économiques

Occupations in services - Domestic work et Autre

Types de contenu

Policy analysis

Groupes cibles

Sensibilisation du public, Chercheurs, Syndicats et ONG/groupes communautaires/réseaux de solidarité

Domaines de réglementation

Droit de changer d’employeur, Droit de choisir son lieu de résidence, Droit de se syndiquer, Normes du travail, Santé et sécurité au travail, Programmes d’intégration des nouveaux arrivants, Santé et services sociaux, Accès à un statut permanent, Réunification des familles, Aide juridique, Assurance-emploi, Aide sociale, Droit à l’égalité (genre), Droit à l’égalité (origine nationale), Droit à la liberté et Droit à la dignité

Pertinence géographique

Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, Colombie-Britannique, Autres provinces, Fédéral et Nouvelle-Écosse

Sphères d’activité

Anthropologie, Études culturelles et ethniques, Études en genre et sexualité, Droit, Science politique et Socioligie

