- Date
- Auteurs
Margo Lane Smith
- Résumé
The problem of rural-urban migration and the resulting potential for culture change within the society. What is the place of the servant in the Peruvian social structures? How does the servant operate within the context of the family where she is employed? Tow hat extent are provincial-born servants acculturated to the urban scene more rapidly than their fellow-migrants who are not servants and thus are not forced into intimate daily contact with middle and upper class urban ways? To what extent is the occupation of servant an avenue of upward social and/or economic mobility? To what extent do urban servants introduce changes to their families remaining in a rural provincial setting?
- Number of pages
- Lieu de publication
Ann Arbor, Michigan
- Éditeur
Univeristy Microfilms International
- Mots-clés
Servant, Urbanization
- Secteurs économiques
Occupations in services - Domestic work, Home child care providers et Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations
- Types de contenu
Statistics on work and life conditions et Numbers of migrant workers
- Groupes cibles
Législateurs, Sensibilisation du public et Chercheurs
- Pertinence géographique
- Sphères d’activité
Anthropologie, Études culturelles et ethniques, Études en genre et sexualité, Géographie, Histoire et Philosophie
- Langues