Lisa M. Jacubowski
This dissertation explores the process
through which racism comes to be
manifested in contemporary Canadian
immigration law, policies and practices.
To begin, the concept of "race" and how
it comes to be used commonsensically to
justify the marginalization of visible
minorities is reviewed. Tracing the
transition from "races" to racialisation
and the ideology of racism, it becomes
clear how the inherent dissimilarities
among groups of people can form the
basis for invidious distinction. A
conceptual framework is then created to
investigate how these real human
differences are used to "naturalize" and
legitimize the privileging of some over
others. Here, it becomes apparent that
the success of this "naturalization"
process very much depends on ideology
and complementarity, in relation to the
reconstitution of hegemony. Law plays a
central role in the reproduction and
legitimation of unequal social
relations. Law is socially constructed
to be a detached, objective and neutral
expression of societal values. Inreality
however, it is an ideological discourse
that is shaped by, and reflective of,
the interests and experiences of those
who participate in society's defining
structures. This is exemplified in the
documentary analysis of immigration law
and policies. Towards better
appreciating the persistence of racial
discrimination in immigration, the
thesis explores the interplay between
the text of law and "law talk". With a
substantive focus on two amendments to
Canada's Immigration Act--the Live-In
Caregiver Program and Bill C-86, the
question of how racist practices
persist, in the presence of
deracialised, non-discriminatory texts,
is addressed. Emphasis is placed on the
power of equivocation, as it comes to be
institutionalized in both the text of
law and "law talk". Legislators rely on
equivocation as a means for providing
different responses to divergent
interests. Equivocation thus, plays an
integral role in the State's quest for
Fernwood Publishing
General relevance - all sectors
Policy analysis
Législateurs et Chercheurs
National relevance
Droit et Socioligie