Détails du document

Impression et sauvegarde


Foreign or domestic?-- I'll take foreign!




David Badalamenti


Migration occurs for many reasons. Most

of the research focusing on this topic

has been separated into micro and macro

level theories analysing each of the

factors involved in the supply and

demand of migration. Yet, rarely have

theories adequately explained both sides

of the migration equation. This thesis

is theoretically based in the world

systems approach to migration which

views it as a result of capital

integration at the global level and the

expansion of a split labour in advanced

countries into the primary and secondary

sectors. The secondary sector,

characterised by low status, poorly paid

and insecure jobs experiences shortages

in labour and as a result relies on

imported labour. In Canada, the

agricultural industry represents the

secondary sector which is unable to

recruit a reliable domestic labour

force. Therefore growers recruit from

abroad to fill their needs. Mexican

migrants analysed in this thesis possess

four characteristics as a result of

their migrating to Canada through a

regulated program. It is argued in this

thesis that their unique characteristics

make these Mexican migrants ideally

suited for the needs of the Canadian

agricultural industry. Due to the fact

that they migrate mainly for economic

reasons, are extremely poor, are

interested in returning to Canada

annually and have no social ties in

Canada they are willing to work as many

hours as possible. In addition to being

considered reliable, the Mexican

migrants can be controlled easier than

domestic labourers by their employers.

They accept poor working conditions and

low wages without resistance.

Number of pages



University of Windsor

Département académique




Lieu de publication


Fichiers joints


Secteurs économiques

Agriculture and horticulture workers

Types de contenu

Policy analysis

Groupes cibles


Pertinence géographique

Canada, Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, Colombie-Britannique, Autres provinces, Fédéral, Nouvelle-Écosse et National relevance

Sphères d’activité


