- Date
- Auteurs
Cabinet (Liberal Party of Canada)
- Résumé
udget 2017 comes at a time of tremendous change and opportunity.
All around the world, people are embracing innovation and the opportunities it brings—opportunities to rethink everything from how we manage the demands of work, to how we build our cities, to how we grow our economy. With those innovations will come opportunities—a real and fair chance to build better lives for ourselves and for our children. At the same time, technological change can also create anxiety—among workers who worry if their jobs will disappear due to automation, and among parents who watch their children interact with the world using devices and platforms that didn’t exist just a decade or two ago.
To make the most of these opportunities, and to offer reassurance and real help to those who worry about being left behind, we need to equip Canada’s current and future workers with the tools they will need to succeed in the new economy. That includes making sure that every Canadian can get the training they need to find and keep good, well-paying jobs.
At the same time, there is growing competition from other countries around the world that are eager to make their own mark as innovators.
It’s time for our country to prosper from the hard work and ingenuity of Canadians.
Canada’s new Innovation and Skills Plan is the plan to get there.
- Éditeur
Canadian Governement
- Lieu de publication
- Liens
Building a strong middle class: Skills, Innovation and Middle Class Jobs (http://www.budget.gc.ca/2017/docs/plan/chap-01-en.html#Toc477707331)
- Mots-clés
families, budget, Temporary Foreign Worker Program, TFWP, students, Budget 2017, Middle Class, Economic, Canadian citizen, market, employment insurance, education, Canada Labor Code, indigenous, Innovation, Disabled people
- Secteurs économiques
General relevance - all sectors
- Types de contenu
Policy analysis, Initiatives de soutien et Current Policy
- Groupes cibles
Travailleurs (im)migrants, Législateurs et Sensibilisation du public
- Pertinence géographique
Amérique du Nord, Canada, États-Unis, Ontario, Alberta, México, Manitoba, Quebec, Colombie-Britannique, Autres provinces, America - Central & Caribbeans, Amérique du Sud, Fédéral, Guatemala, Jamaïque, Honduras, Colombia, Équateur, Other Caribbean States, Haïti, Cuba, Dominican Repulic, Salvador, Nouvelle-Écosse, Peru, Regional relevance, Regional relevance, Regional relevance, National relevance, Belize et Amériques
- Sphères d’activité
Agriculture, Économie, Études environnementales et foresterie, Droit et Education/experience recognition
- Langues
Français et Anglais