Canada's migrant agricultural workers deserve full and equal rights. Here's why
- Date
- Auteurs
Janet McLaughlin
- Résumé
Earlier this year, a quiet decision by Loblaw to remove French’s brand ketchup from its shelves was met by an unexpected firestorm of protest from angry consumers. In the weeks following, the brand rose from relative obscurity into superhero status over its local tomato origins. Over the course of 24 hours, Canadians told Loblaw loud and clear that they wanted local Leamington, Ont., tomatoes in the popular condiment gracing their barbequed eats this summer. A surprised Loblaw management team quickly reversed its decision.
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- Secteurs économiques
General relevance - all sectors
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Current Policy
- Groupes cibles
Sensibilisation du public
- Pertinence géographique
Canada, Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, Colombie-Britannique, Autres provinces, Fédéral, Nouvelle-Écosse et National relevance
- Langues