Rapport/communiqué de presse
Asian Labour Migration:Issues and Challenges in an Era of Globalization
- Date
- Résumé
In this paper by Piyasiri Wickramasekara tries to indentify the significant trends and issues regarding Asian Labor migration as well as the trade union movement for migrant worker protection.The paper states the problems with terminologies related to migrant workers and highlights the most vulnerable groups among migrant workers
- Titre de la série
International Migration Papers (IMP)
- Numéro de document
- Number of pages
- Institution responsable
International MigrationProgramme, ILO
- Lieu de publication
- Fichiers joints
- Liens
- Pertinence géographique
Asie, Chine, Philippines, Bangladesh, Inde, Thaïlande, Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Nepal et Pakistan