Détails de la campagne

Impression et sauvegarde

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Speak out against the changes to LCP

Date et heure

2014.08.18 au 2014.12.13, 16:55 à 16:55


Immigration Minister Chris Alexander and Employment Minister Jason Kenney are considering changes that will take away live-in caregivers’ right to permanent residency. This will lead to increased family separation and employee abuse, while doing nothing to solve Canada’s care crisis.

Use this form to automatically send an e-mail message to your Member of Parliament to stop Alexander and Kenney’s changes to the LCP. Unique letters are always more effective, so please feel free to personalize the message below.

Enter your 6-character postal code and we automatically lookup your MP. A copy of the message will also be sent to Prime Minister Harper, Minister Jason Kenney and Minister Chris Alexander.

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Secteurs économiques

Occupations in services - Domestic work

Types de contenu

Policy analysis

Groupes cibles


Pertinence géographique

Fédéral et National relevance

