- Date et heure
2019.10.26, 11:51
- Description
With the election recently over, politics are bound to come up around the dinner table, and immigration may be high on the agenda. Don’t shy away from hard conversations – talk about the people and the labour behind the food on your table, and about showing thanks for migrant workers through your solidarity. Here are five points to raise:
1) The food system is reliant on migrant labour
2) Migrant farm work is indentured labour
3) Working conditions are unhealthy and dangerous
4) Migrant worker housing is employer-controlled and substandard
5) We need an overhaul of our food systems- Coordonné par
- Fichiers joints
- Liens
Election Reality Check 8 (https://migrantrights.ca/resources/realitycheck8/) -
Election Reality Checks (https://migrantrights.ca/realitycheck/)
- Secteurs économiques
General farm workers
- Types de contenu
Cas d’abus documentés, Statistics on work and life conditions, Current Policy, Numbers of migrant workers et Systemic/state violation of right/freedom
- Groupes cibles
Sensibilisation du public
- Pertinence géographique
Canada, Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, Colombie-Britannique, Autres provinces, Fédéral, Nouvelle-Écosse et National relevance
- Langues