- Description
THE KALAYAAN CENTRE is a Filipino community centre in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The various organizations in the Kalayaan Centre struggle for the rights and welfare of and social justice for Filipinos in Canada, while supporting the struggle for human rights, national freedom and democracy of the Filipino people.
Since 1996, the groups in the Kalayaan Centre have operated to serve the needs of and empower the growing but marginalized Filipino migrant and immigrant community in Vancouver. It is a place not only for Filipinos to gather, but more importantly, a place where marginalized Filipinos can collectively continue the struggle to achieve equality, human rights and genuine development. The Pilipino word "Kalayaan" means "Freedom," and was chosen as the name for the Centre as a demonstration of the deep aspirations for genuine freedom that Filipinos hold wherever they may be.
Located in the Downtown Eastside area of Vancouver (see contact us section for a map), the Centre houses a number of organizations doing specific work in various sectors of the Filipino community. For more information on the history and work of those organizations, please see our link to "About the organizations" on the main page of our website. There is also a link to each organization's website/webpage for more detailed information, campaign updates, research and resources and contact information.
- Statut
- Adresse
451 Powell St.
- Ville
- Province
British Colombia
- Pays
- Code postal
V6A 1G7
- Téléphone
- Courriel
- Liens
- Campagnes endossées
- Mots-clés
Vancouver, LCP, Domestic, Caregivers, Philippines
- Secteurs économiques
Agriculture and horticulture workers, Occupations in services - Domestic work, Sales and service occupations - general, Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations - general, Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations - general, Labourers in food, beverage and associated products processing, Dancers et Autre
- Groupes cibles
Travailleurs (im)migrants, Législateurs, Journalistes, Sensibilisation du public, Employeurs et agences de recrutement, Chercheurs, Syndicats et ONG/groupes communautaires/réseaux de solidarité
- Pertinence géographique
Colombie-Britannique et Philippines
- Sphères d’activité
Études culturelles et ethniques, Économie et Droit
- Langues