Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC) / Association Canadienne des Conseillers Professionnels en Immigration (ACCPI)
- Description
APIC Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants - ACCPI L'Association Canadienne des Conseillers Professionnels en Immigration (CAPIC-ACCPI), founded on the four pillars of Education, Information, Lobbying and Recognition, CAPIC-ACCPI is the largest non-profit professional association for Canadian immigration consultants.
With an immigration industry history going back to 1986 many important milestones have been achieved, which are worthwhile to recall as they changed the immigration industry greatly, and helped to gain acceptance for an occupation profile 'Immigration Consultant'!
The vision in implementing Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants – ACCPI L'Association Canadienne des Conseillers Professionnels en Immigration (CAPIC-ACCPI) has been to create a body which will play the same role for consultants as the Bar Association does for lawyers in being the strongest possible representation on behalf of immigration consultants in the new climate of regulation. CAPIC is founded on the pillars of Education, Information, Lobbying and Recognition.
Being the leading association for immigration consultant interests and their major voice in any representation, CAPIC-ACCPI is committed to promoting and protecting the practice of all Canadian immigration consultants.
- Statut
- Adresse
245 Fairview Mall Drive, Suite 602
- Ville
- Province
- Pays
- Code postal
M2J 4T1
- Téléphone
(416) 483-7044
- Télécopieur
(416) 309-1985
- Liens
- Mots-clés
- Secteurs économiques
General relevance - all sectors
- Pertinence géographique
Canada, Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, Colombie-Britannique, Autres provinces, Fédéral, Nouvelle-Écosse et National relevance
- Langues