Informe / Comunicado de prensa – 2021
★ Racism, Discrimination and Migrant Workers in Canada: Evidence from the Literature -
Artículo de la revista – 2018-03-01
Le Grand sacrifice des nounous philippines -
Artículo de periódico – 2018-02-14
B.C.'s foreign caregivers seek fair permanent-residency policy from feds -
Electrónica de artículos – 2018-01-10
Hong Kong set to jail 'dishonest' maid recruiters in slavery fight -
Documento del gobierno – 2017-12-03
Processing surge puts Government on track to largely eliminate Live-in Caregiver Program backlog by end of 2018 -
Folleto – 2017
Caregiving Work in Canada -
Artículo de periódico – 2016
The murky world of the agencies that recruit temporary foreign workers -
Informe / Comunicado de prensa – 2016
Hong Kong - Submission to the Legislative Council Panel on Manpower -
Documento del gobierno – 2015-09-17
Caregiver programs implementation - answers (CIC) -
Informe / Comunicado de prensa – 2015-06-02
10% Approval Rate from Citizenship and Immigration for New Caregiver Program Applications -
Informe / Comunicado de prensa – 2014
★ Still enslaved: The migrant domestic workers who are trapped by the immigration rules -
Informe / Comunicado de prensa – 2013
Exploited for profit, failed by governments : Indonesian migrant domestic workers trafficked to Hong Kong