UFCW Canada, AWA and Migrante Ontario celebrate International Migrants Day
- Fecha
- Autores
Agriculture Workers Alliance y Agriculture Workers Alliance
- Resumen
UFCW Canada, the Agriculture Workers Alliance (AWA), Migrante Ontario, a community group part of Migrante International, and CHRY, a progressive community radio station based out of York University in Toronto, recently sponsored an International Migrants Day Celebration by joining community allies at a forum that focused on cooperation and the different ways social justice groups can work together to make Canada a more just place for its most vulnerable workers - migrants and immigrant.
In addition to UFCW Canada organizer Alexes Barillas, who spoke about the union’s twenty-year old social, political, and legal battle on behalf of migrant workers, forum participants heard from activists representing Migrante Ontario, Migrante Youth, and the Filipino Migrant Workers Movement.
- Título de la serie
AWA E-News
- Institución responsable
Agriculture Workers Alliance
- Notas
UFCW Canada, the Agriculture Workers Alliance (AWA), Migrante Ontario, a community group part of Migrante International, and CHRY, a progressive community radio station based out of York University in Toronto, recently sponsored an International Migrants Day Celebration by joining community allies at a forum that focused on cooperation and the different ways social justice groups can work together to make Canada a more just place for its most vulnerable workers - migrants and immigrant.
In addition to UFCW Canada organizer Alexes Barillas, who spoke about the union’s twenty-year old social, political, and legal battle on behalf of migrant workers, forum participants heard from activists representing Migrante Ontario, Migrante Youth, and the Filipino Migrant Workers Movement.
UFCW Canada organizer Alexes Barillas
“International Migrant’s Day is a day to reflect upon our collective successes with community allies and the road still left to travel. This forum is also another great opportunity for us to join with our brothers and sisters on the front lines from Migrante Ontario and reinforce our commitment to work together,” says Naveen Mehta, UFCW Canada director of Human Rights, Equity & Diversity. “At the end of the day, we all strive for the same result: justice and respect for immigrant and migrant workers and by combining our efforts we will get there a lot faster.”A photo gallery of the International Migrant’s Day forum is currently featured on the UFCW Canada Facebook Fan page located at www.facebook.com/ufcwcanada.
- Conexiones
UFCW Canada, AWA and Migrante Ontario celebrate International Migrants Day (http://awa-ata.ca/en/media/e-news-2010/e-news-vol3-issue-1/)
- Los sectores económicos
Agriculture and horticulture workers
- Tipos de contenido
Análisis de políticas
- Los grupos destinatarios
Trabajadores (in) migrantes y Conciencia Pública
- Áreas de regulación
Derecho a cambiar de empleador, Derecho a organizarse, Normas Laborales, Salud y Seguridad, Programas de integración para los recién llegados, Salud y Servicios Sociales, Calidad de la vivienda, y Determinación de los salarios decentes y la escasez de mano de obra
- Relevancia geográfica
Canada, Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, Colombia Británica, Otras provincias, y Federal
- Idiomas
Francés, Inglés, y Español