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Artículo de periódico

The Spirit of Outsourcing: Corporate and State Regulation of Labor under H-1B Visa and TANF Policies in the U.S




Frank Ridzi


This paper examines the experiences of welfare clients on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TA NF) & Indian immigrant information technology (IT) workers on the H-1B visa to analyze how public-private collaborations in the spirit & practice of outsourcing, i.e. systematic fragmentation & decentralization of both corporate & state activities, function as mechanisms for disciplining labor. Through an analysis of these groups' parallel experiences with exploitative work & employers in the US., this paper identifies how outsourcing is not merely a business model for cross-border trade, hut also a key principle, component, & outcome of policy-based neo-liberal economic restructuring. Tables, References. Adapted from the source document.

Journal title

Research in the Sociology of Work



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