- Fecha
- Autores
Maria L. Ontiveros
- Resumen
This essay argues that the current debate over the treatment of immigrant workers must be informed by the Thirteenth Amendment. Otherwise, immigration policy runes the risk of replicating a system where large groups of workers of color, those who work in the fields and in the homes of white citizens, are deprived of basic human rights, labor protections and the right to participate in the political process because of their race and their status as immigrants.
- Number of pages
- Universidad
University of San Francisco
- Departamento Académico
School of Law
- Nivel
Human Rights Law
- Archivos adjuntos
- Conexiones
- Los sectores económicos
General relevance - all sectors
- Tipos de contenido
Análisis de políticas, La política actual, y Políticas pasadas
- Relevancia geográfica
Estados Unidos
- Esferas de la actividad
Historia y Derecho
- Idiomas