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Imprima y guarde


Susana Rivas-Ortiz c Monica& Doug Tompkins




This is an application under section 116 of the Employment Standards Act, 2000. Susana Rivas-Ortiz applies for review of a decision of an Employment Standards Officer which declined to make an order to pay wages in her favour and, while concluding that she had been subject to a threat which was a reprisal contrary to the Act, declined to award her any compensation as a result. Ms. Rivas-Ortiz was employed by Doug and Monica Tompkins as a caregiver for their two sons. At the commencement of the relationship, Ms. Rivas-Ortiz and Ms. Tompkins signed a document headed “Live-in Caregiver Program” which originated from the federal government. The dispute pertains to wages/ vacation time

outcome: For the reasons stated, I find that Monica and Doug Tompkins owe
Susana Rivas-Ortiz $53.42 in unpaid wages and vacation pay

Nombre de la Corte


Parallel citation

2013 CanLII 28251

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Los sectores económicos

Home child care providers y Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations

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