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Social Protection for Migrant Domestic Workers in Cambodia: A Case Study




The goal of this case study is twofold. First, this research aims to provide an understanding of the many difficulties migrant workers face. Second, this report seeks to examine the path to overcoming the previously stated challenges. The first chapter explores social protections in Cambodia. After a broad examination of social protections in Cambodia the focus is narrowed to those social protections affecting migrant workers. The subsequent chapter looks at the story of a woman named Vann Sinoun who was a Cambodian migrant worker. Vann Sinoun’s story illustrates in a very human way the hardships migrant workers face. The final chapter looks at the different advocacy strategies undertaken on behalf of migrant workers. The study concludes with a brief discussion of the steps that need to be undertaken to ensure social protections for Cambodians.


The Global Network Solidar

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Palabras clave

Domestic Workers, Cambodia

Los sectores económicos

Occupations in services - Domestic work, Home child care providers, y Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations

Tipos de contenido

Análisis de políticas, Casos documentados de abuso, Iniciativas de apoyo, y Estadísticas sobre el trabajo y las condiciones de vida

Los grupos destinatarios

Legisladores, Conciencia Pública, y ONG / grupos comunitarios / redes de solidaridad

Relevancia geográfica

Regional relevance

Esferas de la actividad

Derecho y Asistencia social

