- Fecha
- Resumen
This book is about the UN Convention on Migrant Workers’ Right, migration and human rights: the uneasy but essential relationship, role of civil society in campaigning for and using in ICRMW, committee on Migrant workers and implementation of the ICRMW, migrants’ rights in UN human rights conventions, the need for a rights-based approach to migration in the age of globalization, obstacles to, opportunities for, ratification of the ICRMW in Asia, obstacles to ratification of the ICRMW in Canada, Mexico’s role in promoting and implementing the ICRMW, migrants’ right after apartheid: South African responses to the ICRMW, policy on the ICRMW in the United Kingdom, the French political refusal on Europe’s behalf, migration and human rights in Germany, migration and human rights in Italy: prospects for the ICRMW and the ICRMW and the European Union.
- Number of pages
- Lugar de publicación
New York
- Editor
Cambridge University Press.
- Archivos adjuntos
- Conexiones
- Palabras clave
UN Convention and law for migrant rights
- Los sectores económicos
General relevance - all sectors
- Tipos de contenido
Análisis de políticas
- Los grupos destinatarios
Legisladores y Los investigadores
- Relevancia geográfica
América del Norte, Unión Europea, Canada, Estados Unidos, Ontario, Alberta, México, Manitoba, Quebec, Colombia Británica, Otras provincias, África del Norte, America - Central & Caribbeans, América del Sur, El África subsahariana, Europa (fuera de la UE), Federal, Asia, China, Guatemala, Jamaica, Sudáfrica, Filipinas, Honduras, Colombia, Ecuador, Other Caribbean States, Haití, Cuba, Dominican Repulic, Bangladesh, India, Tailandia, Salvador, Nueva Escocia, Reino Unido, Francia, Italia, España, Alemania, Albania, Moldavia, Ucrania, Rumania, Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Peru, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, y Malaysia
- Idiomas