- Fecha
- Autores
J. S. Eades
- Resumen
From ethnic minorities in Britain and the United States to the squatter settlements of Kenya and the United States "Migrants, Workers and the Social Order" , addresses major themes in this 'new' anthropology of migration.
- Lugar de publicación
London ;New York
- Editor
- Notas
edited by Jeremy Eades.
24 cm.
"Based on papers presented at the 1986 ASA Conference, Migrants, Workers, and the Social Order"--Plat verso
"Published in the USA ... in association with Methuen, Inc."--Verso de p. de t.
ASA Conference, Migrants, Workers, and the Social Order (1986 : University of Kent at Canterbury)
- Conexiones
- Los sectores económicos
- Los grupos destinatarios
Los investigadores
- Relevancia geográfica
Estados Unidos y Reino Unido
- Esferas de la actividad
- Idiomas