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Artículo de periódico

Injury risks in children of California migrant Hispanic farm worker families




S. A. McCurdy


Background Few data are available addressing occupational and other injury risks among children of migrant Hispanic farm workers. Methods We conducted the U.C. Davis Farm Worker Injury Study (UCD-FWIS), a longitudinal follow-up study of injury among migrant Hispanic farm worker families living in six Northern California Migrant Housing Centers (MHCs). Nine hundred forty-one children (age < 18 years) were interviewed through parental proxy. Results Fifty-one injuries resulting in medical care or at least one-half day of lost or restricted work or school time occurred among 49 children (3.8 injuries/100 person-years). Open wounds (31.4%) and fractures (29.4%) were most common. Falls comprised over one-third of the cases, followed by being struck and bicycle injuries. Over three-quarters of subjects never use a helmet when riding a bicycle. Seventy-eight (8.3%) children reported employment in the preceding year, typically involving manual agricultural tasks. Two injury; cases were occupational and involved agricultural work. Conclusions Occupational injury was uncommon in this group of children in migrant Hispanicfarm worker families. Injury prevention in this population should include a focus on the home and surrounding environment as well as the work place. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. [References: 39]

Journal title

American Journal of Industrial Medicine





Page numbers



Los sectores económicos

Agriculture and horticulture workers y General farm workers

Los grupos destinatarios

Los investigadores

Relevancia geográfica

Estados Unidos

Esferas de la actividad

Ciencias de la Salud

