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Artículo de periódico

Gendered Global Migrations: Diversity and Stratification




Eleonore Kofman


The globalization of migration has entailed a greater diversity & stratification of migration. Integrative approaches, such as transnationalism, structurationism, & alternative circuits of globalization, have helped to place migration in broader sociocultural fields but have not adequately addressed the complex gendered stratification generated in countries of origin & destination. Much literature focuses on the socioeconomically disadvantaged, especially those undertaking domestic & sex work, but the opening up of skilled migration in developed countries, increasingly in feminized welfare sectors, is creating new lines of exclusion & inclusion & privileging the skilled & educated of the Third World. It also means that a neat division between the masculine high-tech sector & the feminine intimate, racialized, & menial 'other' does not do justice to the complexity of gendered migratory flows. This article explores diverse forms of female migrations, labor market positions, & the intersection of class, racialization, & gender. I argue that we need to question the relegation of female migrants to the subordinate circuits of globalization & to extend our analysis beyond productive & reproductive labor in less skilled sectors. The inclusion of female skilled migrants can add a distinctive counter-narrative, which includes care for & education of people, to our conceptualization of a knowledge economy & society, which tends to be based on scientific & technological sectors. 109 References. Adapted from the source document.

Journal title

International Feminist Journal of Politics





Page numbers



Los sectores económicos

Occupations in services - Domestic work, Dancers, y Otro

Los grupos destinatarios

Los investigadores

Relevancia geográfica

Estados Unidos, International Organizations, y Global relevance

Esferas de la actividad

Estudios en Género y Sexualidad

