Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal
The worker appeals a decision of Appeals Resolution Officer (ARO) C. Rubino, dated August 25, 2005. That decision found that the worker had reached maximal medical recovery (MMR) as of February 19, 2004 with respect to his compensable back injury occuring on October 22, 2003. The ARO found that there was no evidence of any residual impairment at that time. The worker therefore was denied ongoing benefits beyond Feburary 19, 2004, including Loss of Earnings (LOE) or a permanent impairment assessment.
Appeal is allowed.
2009 ONWSIAT 113.
[2009] O.W.S.I.A.T.D. No. 104..
Agriculture and horticulture workers y General farm workers
Trabajadores (in) migrantes
Ontario y Jamaica