- Fecha
- Autores
Rita Afsar Mohammad Yunus y A B M Shamsul Islam
- Resumen
The book is divided into 6 chapters. Chapter 1 is about international migration to labor-importing countries of Gulf Cooperation Countries. Chapter is about Contextual analysis of the flow of Bangladeshi workers to the Middle East and its-macro-economic impacts. Chapter 3 is about post migration situation analysis of migrant. Chapter 4 is about benefits and costs of working abroad. Chapter 5 is about remittance and development. Chapter 6 is about addressing policy issues.
- Number of pages
- Lugar de publicación
Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Editor
Bengal Com-print
- Archivos adjuntos
- Conexiones
- Palabras clave
Development, remittance, Bangladesh, benefits and costs of migration, poverty
- Los sectores económicos
Agriculture and horticulture workers, Occupations in services - Domestic work, Sales and service occupations - general, Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations - general, Labourers in food, beverage and associated products processing, Dancers, y Otro
- Tipos de contenido
Análisis de políticas y Iniciativas de apoyo
- Los grupos destinatarios
Legisladores, Conciencia Pública, y Los investigadores
- Áreas de regulación
Las remesas y programas de desarrollo co-
- Relevancia geográfica
- Esferas de la actividad
- Idiomas