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Canada’s Temporary Foreign Workers Program: Problems and Solutions

Fecha y hora

2015.03.28, 11:00 AM


Over the period 2002-2012 the numbers of temporary Foreign workers in canada tripled in size from approximately 101,000 to 338,000. in 2014 the Government of canada introduced certain modifications to the temporary Foreign worker program. One of the objectives was to encourage employers to use tFws as a last and/or limited resort in filling labour shortages. some employers worry about the prospect of tFw reform that affects their capacity to meet legitimate worker shortages. elsewhere, concerns are raised that tFws drive down wages and in some cases their hiring contributes to making for working conditions that do not meet basic standards. For their part, some tFws are concerned with threat of being asked to return to their home if they don’t comply with the rules set by employers. this plenary will examine the roles and responsibilities of government and the private sector in addressing these and other relevant issues regarding tFw’s.
participants: daVid ManicoM, acting associate assistant Deputy Minister, citizenship and immigration canada
Margaret waLton-roberts, associate Dean, school of international policy and Governance, wilfrid Laurier University
a rePresentatiVe FroM tHe goVernMent oF britisH coLuMbia, to be confirmed
diana Mackay, executive Director, education, skills and immigration, conference Board of canada


Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre






Los sectores económicos

General relevance - all sectors

Los grupos destinatarios

Conciencia Pública y Los investigadores

Relevancia geográfica

Colombia Británica

