2009.08.01, 8:14 AM
Heavy rain and thunderstorms were not enough to stop more than 250 workers from attending the annual open house held by UFCW Canada and the Agriculture Workers Alliance (AWA) recently in Virgil, Ont.
At the event, workers participated in different workshops covering topics such as worker compensation claims, health-and-safety, and sexual abuse on the job.
A volunteer from the Occupational Health Clinic for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) provided free medical consultation for workers. During the workshops, participating workers had the chance to win raffles and prizes, and everyone enjoyed a spread of delicious Mexican and Jamaican food.Ingrid Zea, coordinator of the AWA’s Virgil centre (one of nine across Canada), was happy that many workers took the opportunity to participate in the different workshops and partake in the festivities.
“It brings great pleasure to see these workers enjoy themselves,” she says. “It’s the least we can do when they leave their homes and families for so long to provide the fruits and vegetables we eat at our tables.”
The open house was organized in conjunction with the group ENLACE, a grassroots organization of workers helping workers. Also on hand were several community members, volunteers, and other groups, who provided support and assistance for the event.
Agricultural Workers Alliance Centre - Virgil
PO Box 904
L0S 1T0
Agriculture and horticulture workers
Análisis de políticas
Trabajadores (in) migrantes
Derecho a cambiar de empleador, Derecho a elegir su lugar de residencia, Derecho a organizarse, Normas Laborales, Salud y Seguridad, Programas de integración para los recién llegados, Salud y Servicios Sociales, El acceso a la condición de permanente, Gratuitos para servicios de colocación, La reunificación familiar, Asistencia Legal, EI, Bienestar, Las remesas y programas de desarrollo co-, Viajar al extranjero y regresar a casa, Las agencias de contratación y la inversión, Calidad de la vivienda, Mecanismos para el reembolso de la migración, Juicio justo antes de la deportación, Regularización de la condición procedimiento, Determinación de los salarios decentes y la escasez de mano de obra, Criterios para la selección de los trabajadores migrantes (im), Derecho a la igualdad (de género), Derecho a la igualdad (origen nacional), Derecho a la igualdad (estatus social), Derecho a la libertad, Derecho a la dignidad, y Derecho a la privacidad
Francés, Inglés, y Español