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Kav LaOved Worker's Hotline


Kav LaOved – Worker’s Hotline is an independent non-profit, non-governmental organization committed to the defense of workers’ rights and the enforcement of Israeli labor law designed to protect every worker in Israel, irrespective of nationality, religion, gender, and legal status. Since its establishment in 1991, Kav LaOved has helped workers from all sectors realize and uphold their rights.

Kav LaOved’s services target the most disadvantaged workers in Israel, including those employed by contracts and receiving low wages, Arab citizens of Israel, Palestinians, migrant workers, refugees and asylum seekers, and new immigrants.

Kav LaOved operates three branches, employs 24 staff members and 4 national civil service volunteers and enlists the crucial support of over 130 volunteers. In 2014, the organization served over 55,000 workers and secured more than 24 million New Israeli Shekels in total, withheld sums entitled to workers by law.






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