Book – 2007
The Book of Negroes -
Newspaper article – 2007-01-23
★ Company sues Poles, denies claims -
Personal communication – 2007-01-22
Notes d'allocution de l'association canadienne des relations industrielles pour le ministre du Travail et ministre de l'Agent de développement économique du Canada pour les régions du Québec -
Book – 2007
Protecting U.S. and Guest Workers: The Recruitment and Employment of Temporary Foreign Labor -
Book – 2007
The Slave Trade Debate: Contemporary Writings For and Against -
Newspaper article – 2007-01-15
Service sector turns to foreign workers -
Journal article – 2007
Human rights and refugees, internally displaced persons and migrant workers: Essays in memory of Joan Fitzpatrick and Arthur Helton -
Electronic article – 2007
Canada's Temporary Migration Program: A Model Despite Flaws -
Conference paper – 2007
Non-reconnaissance des droits et libertés au Qc/Ca: les travailleurs (im)migrants “temporaires” “peu spécialisés” -
Journal article – 2007
Local Produce, Foreign Labor: Labor Mobility Programs and Global Trade Competitiveness in Canada -
Conference paper – 2007
Travailleurs (im)migrants : vers le respect de leurs droits protégés par les Chartes canadienne et québécoise? -
Journal article – 2007
Rural migrant workers in urban China: living a marginalised life -
Report/Press release – 2007
Labour and Migration Update June 2007 -
Report/Press release – 2007
The Temporary Foreign Worker Program and its Intersection with Canadian Immigration Policy -
Government document – 2007
Statut d'immigrant (4) pour la population, pour le Canada, les provinces et les territoires, recensements de 1911 à 2006 - Données-échantillon (20 %) -
Report/Press release – 2007
Labour Resolutions to Uphold Dignity of (Im)migrant -
Conference proceeding – 2007
"Temporary Migration - A Solution to Labour Market Responsiveness?" -
Journal article – 2007
Vulnerable but feeling safe: HIV risk among male rural-to-urban migrant workers in Chengdu, China -
Thesis – 2007
Why move Aboriginal labour in and then out? The transition of migrant labour from Aboriginal to Mexican workers in southern Alberta's sugar beet industry -
Journal article – 2007
The Knowledge Economy, Gender and Stratified Migrations -
Journal article – 2007
Sexual partners and condom use of migrant workers in Thailand -
Journal article – 2007
Building 'the world's most flexible workforce': the Harper government's 'double-doubling' of the Foreign Worker Program -
Journal article – 2007
Le Programme de travailleurs agricoles saisonniers : considérations pour l’avenir de l’agriculture et incidences de la gestion des migrations -
Thesis – 2007
[E]motions, moments, and transnational connections: The lived experiences of two labour migrants in Canada's Seasonal Agricultural Workers' Program -
Generic document – 2007
Supreme Court ruling opens the way to Ontario farm worker unionsID - 333 -
Government document – 2007
Foreign Worker Manual -
Journal article – 2007
Mexican migrant workers say they were misled into signing union cards.(Broadcast transcript) -
Report/Press release – 2007
Analysis, Solidarity, Action—A Workers’ Perspective on the Increasing Use of Migrant Labour in Canada -
Journal article – 2007
Business or Bureaucratic Dominance in Immigration Policymaking in Canada: Why was Mexico Included in the Caribbean Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program in 1974? -
Book section – 2007
Globalizing Work, Globalizing Citizenship: Community-Migrant Worker Alliances in Southern Ontario -
Book – 2007
Rethinking migration : new theoretical and emperical perspectives -
Book – 2007
Migration without borders : essays on the free movement of people -
Report/Press release – 2007
Les travailleurs étrangers temporaires -
Book – 2007
International migration law : developing paradigms and key challenges -
Journal article – 2007
Beyond social unionism: farm workers in Ontario and some lessons from labour history.(The State of the Unions/L'etat des syndicats) -
Report/Press release – 2007
Temporary Foreign Workers : Alberta’s Disposable Workforce -
PowerPoint presentation/Audiovisual document – 2007
Mexican worker accuses Abbotsford employer of assault -
Journal article – 2007
About transnational male migration: Structural violence and gender in campesino communities of Estado de México -
Journal article – 2007
Men's migration and women's lives: Views from rural Armenia and Guatemala -
Book section – 2007
Transnational work and the gendered politics of labour: A study of male and female Mexican migrant farm workers in Canada -
Journal article – 2007
Able to come and go: Reproducing gender in female rural-urban migration in the Red River Delta -
Report/Press release – 2007
Temporary foreign workers: Alberta's disposable workforce. The six-month report of the AFL's Temporary Foreign Worker Advocate -
PowerPoint presentation/Audiovisual document – 2007
Los Mexicanos le combat de Patricia Pérez -
Government document – 2007
Temporary foreign worker: guide for employees -
Report/Press release – 2007
Temporary foreign workers in the Canadian construction industry : an analysis of programs and mechanisms -
Thesis – 2007
Main-d'oeuvre mexicaine sur les terres agricoles québécoises entre mythe et réalité -
Book – 2007
Contesting Social Exclusion: An Interrogation of Its Self-imposed Expressions -
Thesis – 2007
"The both of us have battled": The practices and politics of female partners in the Canadian Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program -
PowerPoint presentation/Audiovisual document – 2007
Surveillance over migrant workers and immigrants from Turkey in Germany from the disciplinary society to the society of control -
Thesis – 2007
The Changing Face of Farm Labour in British Columbia: The Expreriences of Migrant Quebecois and Mexican Agricultural Workers in the Okanagan Valley