Canada must stop the abuse of migrant workers!
Amnesty International Canada
Programme des travailleurs étrangers temporaires : Abolir le permis « fermé » au lieu de punir les victimes !
Immigrant Workers Centre (IWC) Montreal
Regularize Everyone #Statusforall
Migrant Rights Network
Sectoral and other restrictive permits: not the solution!
Open Work Permits Now! Permis de travail ouverts maintenant! Permiso de trabajo abierto ahora!
Canadian council for refugees
Let Danilo De Leon Stay in Canada!
Migrante Canada
Together for Permanent Immigration Status!
Migrant Rights Network
Migrant Solidarity Fund - Halifax
No One is Illegal - Halifax/K'Jipuktuk
Health Care Coverage for Migrants: An Open Letter to the Canadian Federal Government
Toronto Health Care Practionners
Les travailleurs agricoles étrangers méritent le respect et la dignité!
Conseil Migrant
Campagne contre la réforme du PEQ!
MigrantWorkersRights/DroitsTravailleuse-rsMigrants (MWR/DTM)
Father's Day campaign tugs at heartstrings, asks to fight for migrant workers' rights
Dignidad Migrante Society
Centre international de Solidarité Ouvrière (CISO)
Election Reality check
Migrant Rights Network
Landed status now - Care workers organize
NON à l’esclavage moderne : les travailleuses domestiques ont des droits
Centre international de Solidarité Ouvrière (CISO)
Petition to Parliament - Domestic Worker Conv - Pétition au parlement!
Centre international de Solidarité Ouvrière (CISO)
Abolition of health-based exclusions to permanent status!
Migrant Workers Alliance for Change
Abolition of employer-tied legal status for migrant workers
Justice pour Noé et tous les travailleurs migrants
Solidarité sans frontières (SSF) / Solidarity Across Borders (SAB)
Campagne de lettres pour appuyer le projet de loi 793
Petition to the Government of Canada to implement the recommendations laid out by HUMA in the Temporary Foreign Worker Program Report
Email the Minister! It's time for Open Permits for Migrant Workers!
Coalition for Migrant Workers Rights - Canada (CMWRC)
Support Migrant Workers From Fort McMurray!
Coalition for Migrant Workers Rights - Canada (CMWRC)
Pressure on TFWPs to MPs/HUMA committee (June 15)!!!
Coalition for Migrant Workers Rights - Canada (CMWRC)
Harvesting Freedom
Justicia for Migrant Workers (J4MW)
Open work permits and permanent status now!
Coalition for Migrant Workers Rights - Canada (CMWRC)
Caregivers deserve Immigration Status!
Caregivers' Action Centre (CAC)
Migrant workers raise their voices (Ontario Labour Law). Join in.
Migrant Workers Alliance for Change
Support Migrant Workers (federal)!
Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, CLC/CTC, TFWA/ATTET, and Migrante Canada
Let Maria Victoria "Vicky" Venancio Stay in Canada!
Canadians for an Inclusive Canada
Financial support needed for Vicky!!
Justice Fundr
Campaign Against 4 Year Limit on Migrant Workers
Migrant Workers Alliance for Change
Reunite migrant workers with families!
Thai seafood industry - Join ILRF to End Forced Labor
Joint responsibility for Ontario employers and recruiters!
Migrant Workers Alliance for Change
Travailleuses et travailleurs migrants: pas des marchandises!
Front de défense des non-syndiquéEs (FDNS)
Speak out against the changes to LCP
Canadians for an Inclusive Canada
Send an email to Leaders of Ontario's Political Parties. Demand real solutions!
OP-ED: Jason Kenney’s track record on Temporary Foreign Workers
Liberal Party of Canada
TFWs already in Canada: Let them stay
Migrant Workers Alliance for Change
Show your support to migrant workers access to healthcare this Tuesday in Toronto!
National Alliance of Philippine Women of Canada (NAPWC)
Let's talk about farm safety!
Agriculture Workers Alliance / UFCW Canada
Stop the Blacklisting of Unionized Migrant Workers!
Agriculture Workers Alliance / UFCW Canada
Global Recruitment Reform Coalition
Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Inc and Canadian Labour Congress
Employment Insurance for all!/Assurance-emploi pour tous!
Migrant Workers Alliance for Change
Provincial Migrant Workers Campaign Launch #MakeItRight #InTogether
Migrant Workers Alliance for Change