Programme des travailleurs étrangers temporaires Instructions accompagnant le contrat de travail pour les danseurs exotiques/érotiques
- Date
- Authors
Ressources Humaines et Développement des Compétences Canada
- Issuing organization
Ressources Humaines et Développement des Compétences Canada
- Publisher
Ressources Humaines et Développement des Compétences Canada
- File Attachments
- Links
- ( - (
- Economic sectors
- Content types
Policy analysis
- Target groups
Journalists, Public awareness, Employers, agencies and their representatives, Researchers, Unions, and NGOs/community groups/solidarity networks
- Regulation domains
Right to change employer, Right to choose place of residence, Labour standards, Health and safety at work, Newcomers integration programs, Access to permanent status, Trips abroad and re-entries, Recrutement / placement agencies, Housing standards, Migration expenses reimbursement mechanisms, Right to equality (gender), and Right to liberty
- Geographical focuses
Canada, Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, British Columbia, Other provinces, Federal, and Nova Scotia
- Spheres of activity
Gender and sexuality studies, Law, Management of human resources, and Political science
- Languages