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Migrant worker survey commissioned




CBC News

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CBC News

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A survey has been commissioned by the P.E.I. Federation of Agriculture to assess how migrant workers are treated in P.E.I. and how to improve their experiences.

The survey comes on the wake of a report by the Canadian Council for Refugees, which gave P.E.I. poor grades for the treatment of migrant workers.

The report pointed out concerns over a lack of legislative protection for temporary foreign workers and housing standards.

The Federation of Agriculture questions the findings and commissioned some research of its own.

"When we told our members that this was happening, a number of them called and said, 'Look I want to be part of that because we actually treat these people as family, and we'd like you to see what conditions they live in and how we look after them'", said John Jamieson, the group's executive director.

"The Federation does provide certain services and we want to see if there's certain things that we can do on top of that, that we can help both the employer and the temporary foreign worker."

The Federation expects its research to be complete in the next few weeks.


Economic sectors

Agriculture and horticulture workers and General farm workers

Geographical focuses

Other provinces

