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Migrant domestic worker rights hotly debated by Modern Slavery Bill Committee



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Migrant domestic worker rights hotly debated by Modern Slavery Bill Committee
October 17, 2014

On Wednesday, a close vote in the House of Commons Modern Slavery Bill Committee almost saw a new clause passed which would have taken the UK significantly closer to restoring the rights of migrant domestic workers to change employers and extend their stay here.

The proposed amendment received support from both Labour and Liberal Democrat MPs during the Committee stage debate, and resulted in a split vote over whether the new clause could be inserted into the bill. Committee Chairman Mark Pritchard MP (Con) cast the deciding vote against the amendment.

Despite the loss, migrant domestic worker campaign groups and parliamentary supporters can take heart from the closeness of the vote on this critical issue. The clause has now been put down by Labour for the Report stage of the bill, and following that it is also likely that this matter will undergo rigorous scrutiny when the bill reaches the House of Lords.


Economic sectors

Occupations in services - Domestic work

Geographical focuses

United Kingdom