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Gender, migration and crisis: Jamaican female migrants in Canada




Leith Dunn


From greater accountability in international institutions to reducing income inequality and persistent poverty, increasing aid effectiveness and promoting gender equality, the 2010 Canadian Development Report (CDR) is a must-read for those who want to understand the impact of the crisis on development and hope to draw important lessons for building resilience and militating against the effects of similar disruptions on developing countries in the future.

Titled A Global Crisis of Development: Responses and Responsibilities, this year’s report — the 12th edition in The North-South Institute’s (NSI) annual series — provides a comprehensive assessment of the impacts of the current global crisis on development and offers policy prescriptions to address the resulting challenges.

The CDR includes our popular 2010 Statistical Annex, NSI’s go-to source for the latest statistics and analysis related to developing countries, as well as statistics regarding Canada’s involvement with such countries.

The Canadian Development Report 2010 — A Global Crisis of Development: Responses and Responsibilities is available in English and French and should prove a valuable resource for academics, policymakers, civil society advocates and others interested in promoting development in times of global crisis.

Book title

A global crisis of development: Responses and responsibilities. Canadian Development Report 2010

Place published



North-South Institute


Economic sectors

General relevance - all sectors

Content types

Policy analysis

Target groups


Geographical focuses

Jamaica and National relevance

Spheres of activity

Gender and sexuality studies

