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Report/Press release

Brief HUMA 2016 - Empirical data (state restrictions of fundamental rights)




Eugénie Depatie-Pelletier


Canada's policies resulting in the binding of a worker to a specific employer [hereafter "employer-tying policies"] currently take various forms. For example, indirect employer-tying policies are mostly based on state-imposed "debt to employer" (worker importation/sponsorship by employers or labor brokers, exclusion from access to newcomer integration programs, etc.) and/or legal/state sanction(s) - such as an additional delay and risk of deprivation of the right of unification with child/partner - if the worker quits the employer (or if the employer dies or releases the worker). Other examples of employer-tying policies include the federal imposition of 'binding work contract' under which the worker wave the right to work for another employer in the country, employment-based legal resident status, and employer/employment-dependent access to permanent legal status. Canada immigration laws incorporated at least 27 forms of employer-tying policies currently applied to specific groups of temporary foreign workers.

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Economic sectors

General relevance - all sectors

Content types

Policy analysis, Documented cases of abuse, and Current Policy

Target groups

Policymakers and Researchers

Geographical focuses

Canada, Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, British Columbia, Other provinces, Federal, Nova Scotia, and National relevance

