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PowerPoint presentation/Audiovisual document

Abarham Lincoln: Trial by Fire




"Lincoln: Trial By Fire": Cliff Robertson narrates this dramatization that focuses on the little-known life-and-death struggle of power between President Lincoln and his general in command of the Army of the Potomac, George McClellan, and the events leading to the Emancipation Proclamation.

"They've Killed President Lincoln": A stirring and factual docu-drama of those events which occurred immediately prior to the assassination of President Lincoln, as well as dramatically showing the deed and the aftermath.

"No Retreat from Destiny: The Battle that Rescued Washington": The true story of the Confederacy's last great invasion of the north, in July 1864, and the subsequent attack on Washington, D.C. that almost brought the northern war effort to its knees.

"Lincoln's Last Night": April 14, 1865 Abraham Lincoln is the embodiment of the American Dream. This two-part docu-drama tells the fascinating story of Abraham Lincoln and his murderer, John Wilkes Booth, the assassin who planned the murder of the President like a Shakespearean plot.

"Fired by Liberty: Black Soldiers of the Civil War": A first-of-its-kind, live-action documentary DVD on the life, uniforms, drill and stories of the African-American Soldiers who fought during the Civil War. Both the United States Colored Troops for the Union and the rarely discussed Blacks who fought for the Confederacy. This documentary is a full-color, live-action, authentic record of the African-American Soldier of this period.

"Abraham Lincoln" (1930) Legendary director D.W. Griffith highlights the early years of our 16th President revealing his life spent as a lawyer and his courtship with Mary. "Abraham Lincoln", starring Walter Huston, guides you through the famous Lincoln-Douglas debates and the events surrounding the Civil War.

Length (Mins)





Mill Creek Entertainment


Included in "The Lincoln Chronicles"


Emancipation Proclamation

Geographical focuses

United States