- Date and time
2016.05.13 to 2016.09.01, 8:00 AM to 8:00 AM
- Description
Sign the petition - link below
(1) Remove restrictions of hours of work required for Employment Insurance so that ALL Fort McMurray worker evacuees can have immediate income.
(2) Issue open work permits or temporary residents permits to temporary foreign workers so that they can get back on their feet and get back to work.
(3)Update laws in Canada to ensure that all migrant workers have the freedom to change jobs and live with permanent immigration status.Pourquoi est-ce important ?
Life as they know it is over for many workers in Fort Murray. A few days ago they were working. Today, many have no home, no job, and none of their personal items.
Workers in Fort McMurray come from Newfoundland, PEI, Nova Scotia. Some temporary foreign workers have come from as far as the Philippines. Not everyone worked in the oil sands. These are Tim Horton workers, gas station attendants, and caregivers. Right now many of them cannot get Employment Insurance because of stiff rules. The Federal Government needs to relax the EI rules so that workers can get the income they need to get back on their feet. Sign this petition to support ALL worker evacuees from Fort McMurray.
Migrant workers have additional restrictions. They come to Canada on a closed work permit. Under immigration laws, they are only allowed to work for one employer, at one location, at one time. But their workplace has likely been destroyed by a fire.
Many migrant workers paid agencies over $8,000 to come work in Canada. Many took loans for those fees and are under massive debt. They’ve been sending what little they can save from their minimum wage job to their families back home. Many migrant workers sick parents, or children or siblings that need them to keep sending money.
Migrant workers are ready to look for work, to get back on their feet to support their families and continue to build Alberta’s economy. They just need the federal government to fix the rules that are stopping them from doing so. Sign this petition and please share it.
This tragedy shows how broken rules are for migrant workers. The federal government is currently reviewing the temporary foreign workers program. Find out more and take action at
http://migrantrights.ca/- Coordinated by
- File Attachments
- Links
SIGN PETITION! (https://you.leadnow.ca/petitions/support-all-workers-from-fort-mcmurray-fire-get-back-to-work?source=facebook-share-button&time=1462983671)
- Economic sectors
General relevance - all sectors
- Content types
Systemic/state violation of right/freedom
- Target groups
Policymakers, Journalists, and Public awareness
- Geographical focuses
Quebec and National relevance
- Languages