- Date and time
2014.03.01, 5:00 PM
- Description
UFCW Canada and the Agriculture Workers Alliance are calling on all activists to support an international campaign to stop the Mexican government from reaching across Canada's border to violate our labour laws, our Charter, and the human rights of Mexican migrant workers in Canada.
Here are the facts. There are serious allegations that migrant farm workers in British Columbia are being blacklisted for voicing their support for the union and trying to exercise their basic Human Right to organize and bargain collectively.
What does Mexico say to all of this? Mexico and its Vancouver consulate have claimed diplomatic immunity.
But Mexico must listen and you can help. Send a message to Mexico President Felipe Calderón to Stop the Blacklisting of Migrant Workers!
- Coordinated by
- Endorsed by
- File Attachments
- Links
http://www.ufcw.ca/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2564&Itemid=342&lang=en (http://www.ufcw.ca/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2564&Itemid=342&lang=en)
- Economic sectors
Agriculture and horticulture workers
- Content types
Policy analysis and Documented cases of abuse
- Target groups
Policymakers, Journalists, and Public awareness
- Geographical focuses
México and British Columbia
- Languages
French and English