- Description
West Coast Domestic Workers' Association (WCDWA) is 20-year-old non-profit association that provides free legal assistance in the form of advocacy, support and counselling to live-in caregivers based in British Columbia. Our free legal advice creates greater access to justice for marginalized workers, while our Public Legal Education initiatives promote self-advocacy by disseminating information about the obligations and rights of caregivers in Canada.
WCDWA operates a drop-in clinic six days a week. Our Legal Services Staff provide information and referral, summary advice and full legal representation to caregivers. Issues most commonly reported fall under immigration, family and employment law. WCDWA promotes law reform by advocating for improvements to provincial and federal legislation and policies, particularly regarding the Live-In Caregiver Program. Our community building and life skills training initiatives provide caregivers with vital language, negotiation and legal skills. We facilitate a self-help and social network to help mitigate the isolation suffered by live-in caregivers.
- Status
- Address
302-119 West Pender Street
- City
- Province
British Columbia
- Country
- Postal code
V6B 1S5
- Phone number
- Fax number
- Links
- Keywords
Domestic Workers, British Columbia, Legal Aid, Services
- Economic sectors
Occupations in services - Domestic work
- Target groups
(Im)migrants workers, Policymakers, Journalists, Public awareness, Researchers, Unions, and NGOs/community groups/solidarity networks
- Geographical focuses
British Columbia
- Spheres of activity
Cultural and ethnic studies, Economics, Journalism, media studies and communication, and Law
- Languages