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Researcher / Research team

Karl Flecker


He has worked as an immigrant employment specialist with the KEYS Job Centre and served as the National Director for Human Rights/Anti-Racism with the Canadian Labour Congress.
Karl is also an accomplished researcher and writer.

The Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives recently published book, the Harper Record contains his chapter critiquing the expansion of Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program; and the Solidarity Centre/USAID published a paper he co-authored featuring global efforts to re-regulate the private power of labour brokers. He has spoken at the United Nations, union conventions, conferences, community events and village forums across North America, Europe, Africa, Asia and the America’s.

With more than 30 years experience in social activism Karl has diverse experiences that include:

Implementing citizen based campaigns opposing corporate power.
Organizing innovative actions on the front lines of international trade and investment meetings.
Leading community based campaigns effectively challenging the bottled water industries exploitation of public water systems.
Unmasking corporate influence and their exploitation of the public health care system.
Exposing who benefits and who suffers from national INsecurity and surveillance regimes that rely on racial and religious profiling.
Unpacking immigration policies and temporary migration schemes and their damaging affects for labour and to social cohesion.

Karl has extensive experience facilitating anti-racism and human rights training for union and community members. He is the lead for a consulting group called Take the Initiative. TTI contracts writers, researchers and facilitators across Canada that are experienced social justice activists and have strategic public policy engagement skills.




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Economic sectors

Agriculture and horticulture workers, Occupations in services - Domestic work, and General farm workers

Geographical focuses

Canada, Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, British Columbia, Other provinces, Federal, Nova Scotia, and National relevance

