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Vasquez v Potter




Complaint by Ana Cecilia Vasquez - failure to comply with Sections 79 and 80 (Protection of Pay), Section 37 (Holiday Pay), Section 34 (Vacation Pay) and Section 50 (Minimum Wage Order)

Complaint by Terry Potter - failure to comply with Section 73 (Termination of Employment by Employee)

Outcome: Therefore, the Labour Standards Tribunal (Nova Scotia) allows the Respondents appeal in part and sets aside the Order of the Director of Labour Standards dated January 14, 2011, as to the quantum amounts set forth in this decision.

The Tribunal orders the Respondents to pay to the Labour Standards Tribunal, in trust for the Complainant, the following: minimum wage adjustment of $336.00; contract adjustment $1,118.00 for 40 hours a week and not 35 hours a week; holiday pay $172.00; vacation pay $94.35 (incremental difference $16.80 plus outstanding vacation pay $77.55), for a sum total of $1,720.35 (subject to applicable statutory deductions).

Court name

Nova Scotia Labour Standards Tribunal

Parallel citation

2011 NSLST 37 (CanLII)

File Attachments


Geographical focuses

Nova Scotia