- Date
- Authors
Md. Nurul Islam
- Abstract
This paper is about the trend of women migration in Bangladesh, wages of women migrants, benefits accruied through migration from Bangladesh, cause of women migration from Bangladesh, Demand of women workers from Bangladesh, vulnerability of women in migration, problems of women migration in Bangladesh, policy measures in women migration in Bangladesh, remittances from women migrants, awareness campaign of women migrant workers, creation of human power facilities, skill training for women in foreign employment: need present perception, issues in gender-sensitiveness of migration and recommendation.
- Links
- Economic sectors
Occupations in services - Domestic work, Home child care providers, and Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations
- Content types
Policy analysis, Support initiatives, and Statistics on work and life conditions
- Target groups
(Im)migrants workers, Policymakers, and Public awareness
- Geographical focuses
- Spheres of activity
Anthropology, Economics, and Gender and sexuality studies
- Languages